Saturday, October 22, 2011 representing Bad Applez INC

L to R Mike "NeMo" Mendez, Rob "OsiRisORion" Ingellis, Bob Conge (Plaseebo) and in back Benny Kline ( Tenacious Toys)
One of the great things about doing conventions like NYCC is getting to meet artists, bloggers and fans that are in your scene and don't get to see everyday, if really ever! It was such a great surprise to find out that John Stokes of was able to attend this years NYCC! John has been following me and Mike's work for quite sometime and is one of the nicest guys you will ever meet! Now that me and Mike have teamed up to form Bad Applez INC, John is right there promoting us on his site!
We would like to thank John for taking a whole slew of pics at our signing and for posting up an awesome write up on his site! You can check out the article here along with the slideshow of pics John took!Thanks again homie and it was great to finally meet you in person!
Rob "OsiRisORion" Ingellis and John Stokes aka SpankyStokes

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